MDS-15 is the culmination of over 20 years of refinement. It is a high-throughput, multi-functional closed microwave sample preparation workstation with the latest technology and a lifetime warranty on the core component.
Versatility: MDS-15 is a versatile workstation which can handle the routine work, and more complicated and demanding samples in your prep rack with a wide variety of vessels to choose from.
Safety: we put safety at the top priority, which is why we have painstakingly designed every aspect of our microwave system with the highest level of security measures, such as the use of aerospace composite fiber vessel sleeves, and our patented safety bolt.
Efficient by design: MDS-15 applies high-energy uniform microwave field, it delivers a rapid digestion with a quick 20 minute cool down time. We has incorporated the latest technology of material design while engineering a very safe, durable and easy to use microwave.
1. The quartz digestion vessel enables the digestion process to be visible.
2. Wireless remote video monitoring system, together with quartz vessels, makes the reaction be seen clearly at a glance. Pictures and videos can be taken during the entire process.
3. 500 ml ultra-large digestion vessel meets the special requirements for the digestion of samples of up to 10 grams.
4. The drying rotor aides in the drying process of samples.
5. The Aerospace composite fiber outer vessel ensures the highest level of vessel security.
6. Large 65 L stainless steal chamber and dual magnetron structure, is designed for high energy and uniform microwave field.
7. Microwave extraction, microwave Kjeldahl Nitrogen Determination, etc.
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